Allen Standard Mainsheet Jammer
Allen have spent many hours of research and development with various boat builders
to perfect the angle and height of the cleat to optimize mainsheet jamming.
Key Features
Innovative light weight construction.
Dual ball race for maximum efficiency.
Optional click stops limit swivel rotation.
Line snags virtually eliminated.
Standard and high cleating angles to suit all.
A groove has been created in the arm for the location of the ball bearings;
this design prevents the lateral movement of the arm, significantly improving
the play and friction associated with traditional jammers of this format.
See diagram.
For use on:-
Sports boat, Keelboat, Etchell, SB3, Finn
- See attached image
- Allen Standard Mainsheet Jammer with Non Ratchet Block
- Allen Standard Mainsheet Jammer with Ratchet Block
- Allen Standard Mainsheet Jammer with Fiddle Block